Deb's Hives

Deb's Hives
Roxi's and Maybelle's Hives

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Naming of the Hives

After Sunday's installation, I left the hives alone for two days so the bees could settle in.  Curiosity got the better of me Tuesday, so I went for a visit.  I used the excuse that I wanted to add another gallon of sugar water to the feeders, but really, I wanted to assure myself that my bees hadn't decided to abscond.  I'd had a bad dream about that exact scenario the night before.

Worry unfounded ... all the bees were present doing bee things.  What was striking to me was how different the two hives were/are.  I've named the hive to the left Roxi's hive.  Roxi's hive is like Little Italy in NYC at the turn of the century.  They're loud, they gesture a lot, and they like to hang out on the front porch drinking red wine and climbing all over each other.  "Whatsa matta you?  Get dat pollen in the house NOW!"  There were always at least 20 bees trying to get into or out of the hive at any time.  And the guard bees ... sheesh ... the guard bees were like Abe Vigoda in the Godfather - ain't no one getting in or out without knowing the secret handshake.  I saw Abe take down a wasp that was trying to enter the hive - it was a violent brawl.  I'd give it an M for mature audiences.  Here's a picture of Roxi's front porch.

Maybelle's hive (to the right) is a whole different country.  The residents of hive Maybelle are very, very mellow and methodical - no pushing at the front door - and never more than 7 or 8 at a time - but they are constant.  Now that I think about it, they're like Brits - very good at queuing.  "Mind the gap!" Here's a quick snapshot of the House of Britannia.

The guard bees were equally as rough in hive Maybelle, though.  Keeping with the movie analogies, they were as tough as Dicky Eklund in The Fighter.  Dicky actually pulled a small yellow jacket to the ground and rolled twice.  Can't imagine that that yellow jacket is coming back any time soon.

But, what was most notable about all the foraging bees was the size of the bright yellow pollen balls on their legs - they were huge!

I can't open the hive and do a proper inspection until Sunday, but will probably swing by tomorrow to check out the buzz and hang out on the porch with the girls.


  1. Can't wait to hear about Sunday!!

  2. This is so cool! I cannot wait to hear your next update!

  3. Bee keeping, back yard chickens, ... we have to talk!
    I'm heading back east next week to pick up our college girl.
    When will you be back east? Maybe we can all get together at
    White Dog for a drink or something.
    I'll check for your direct email to confirm plans.
