It was wildly gusty yesterday - so gusty that I was a bit afraid to open the hives for inspections since bees are not too keen on wind. Given my busy weekend ahead, though, I had to do it on Friday, or I wouldn't have time for a least a week. As expected - as I approached the hives - Roxi's girls were a mile a minute - the line at the front door was at least 40 deep. Maybelle's hive, on the other hand, was steady and - well - punctual - as though everyone had been given a arrival time and dammit don't be late!
I decided to start with Maybelle's hive - it's a bit like stretching before a big run - really gets the pistons firing. Maybelle's girls had drawn out 6 of the 8 frames in wax, but had not yet filled the comb with nectar and pollen. I have to wait until 80% to 85% of the frames are drawn out before adding another box to the hive - so Maybelle's troops - at a respectable 75% fill rate - were not ready for an addition. After checking that there were no beetles or mites messing with the hive and that the brood pattern was nice and regular, I topped off the sugar water feeder and closed Maybelle's hive.
Roxi's hive, however, did not disappoint. When I pulled out the first outer frame in the brood box, I saw Roxi right away. She was laying eggs as quickly as her fuzzy, queenly bee legs would allow. I saw her again in frames 3, 4 and 7. It's pretty amazing how quickly she gets around the hive. Brownie points to Roxi's girls - they had almost completely drawn out all 8 frames - so it was time for another box. As much as I know they will love the extra real estate tomorrowing morning, Roxi's bees were severely PO's at my disruption of their crib. I was very glad I had double checked all the closures on my bee suit. They were pelting me with impunity! This picture sums up their feeling perfectly.
As I gave the two uneven hives a backward glance as I was leaving, I was reminded of those water gun games that I used to play at carnivals when I was a kid. You know, the ones where the starter bell chimes and you try to aim the stream of water into the clowns mouth and be the first one to get the ping pong ball to the top of the tube? Adding each box to a hive is a bit like that, but instead of a stuffed animal, you win a treasure trove of honey if you win.
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